How to create your first Google Blog
This is a step by step guide that helps you create your first free Google Blog. I will also show you how to add Google Adsense ads so that you can earn money writing online from home.
Targeted Google ads are designed to appear on your Blog in a way that the ads will only be connected to the subject you write about. This way the Blog looks good and you have a better chance of readers clicking on the ads.
When you add the Adsense Gadget to your Blog then Google does the rest. It will automatically pick the most relevant ads for the subjects you are writing about. You get paid when the reader clicks on the advert.
It does not matter whether the reader actually buys or joins what the ads are advertising. The reason you are paid for clicks is that through your Blog you brought a potential customer to the company that had the ad on your page.
This is how you can earn money writing free Blogs!
Google Blogger
Creating a Google Blog
Do a Google Search for Google Blogger. Fill in this simple form. Just enter a username and password, and click Sign in. Enter a display name and accept the Terms of Service. Then click the Create a Blog link.The URL
You will then be asked to pick a name for your Blog and an address (URL). Do take a little time when choosing the name of your Blog and the url. You want to maximise your chances of getting traffic to your Blog so choose wisely for the particular subject that you will be writing about.You can create as many Google Blogs free as you like so try to stick to one subject for each Blog. This will maximise your potential earnings from the Google Adsense ads on each Blog.
The Template
You will be given a range of templates to choose from. Do not worry about how this may look once you have added content because you can change the template anytime you want once you have published it. You have just created your first free Google Blog.Now you can personalise it by filling in details on your profile and rearranging and adding the gadgets with the easy to use Google Tools.
Changing the Template and basic design
Customizing the layout of your Google Blog
You have the choice of adding 19 Google Gadgets to your Blog.
- Click the Layout link on your Blog.
- From the Page Elements sub-tab click Add a Gadget
- There are 19 gadgets in the box to choose from. Click the plus sign next to your desired gadget.
- This will open the Gadget window and you can then add the information.
- Click Save. Your layout changes will appear instantly.
Create your Google Blogger Account
How to write a post on your blog
- Sign in to your Blog, Click the New Post button.
- This will bring you to the Create New Post page
- Give the post a title and write your post.
- When you're done, click the Preview link to see if it is written the way you want it.
- Edit if necessary.
- If all is well then click the Publish button.
- You have published a new post.
How to Create Your First Blog Post
You can add photographs to your Blog with a few easy steps.
1. Click the image icon in the post editor toolbar. A box appears prompting you to browse for an image file on your computer, or enter the URL of an image on the Web.2. Select the photograph and click on the options button to choose which layout you prefer.
3. Click the Upload images button to add your photograph. A box will appear telling you, 'Your image has been added.' then click Done. Your photograph is added to your Blog
How to add a Photo to your post
How to add Add videos to your blog
1. Click the film strip icon in the post editor toolbar. A box appears telling you to 'Add a video to your Blog post.'2. Click Browse to select the video file from your computer that you'd like to upload.
3. Google Blogs will only upload videos of less than 100MB in size. There are a number of video files that Google accepts, they are AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, Real and Windows Media files.
4. Add a title in the 'Video Title' box and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
5. Click Upload Video
How to add You Tube Videos to your Blog
How to use Google Adsense on your Blog
A simple and free way to get paid for blogging.
So why not create your own Google Blog and start writing posts, adding photographs, videos and links. Once you are happy with your creation you can then apply to join Google AdSense and earn money online by writing a Blog .How to add the Adsense Gadget on to your Blog.
When you are accepted by Google add the targeted ads to your Blog. It is extremely easy to set up and use. It is also free to join.Once you have a Google Adsense account you can add the ads to any other Blogs you create without having to go through the application process again.
Or if you already write articles on a writing site and have an account then you only have to use the Adsense Gadget on your Blog. There is no need to apply again to display your ads. Google will already have your account number on file and will link to your account automatically.
How to create a free Google Blog and earn money blogging
No that I have shown you how easy it is to create your own Google Blogs for free why not have a go. If you have a special interest that you enjoy and can write short blogs about it then you will be on you way to earning money from writing blog posts online.And believe me once you connect with other readers who also enjoy your interest then you will have created an interesting and profitable blog.
© Copyright 2010. L.M.Reid
Examples of my own Google blogs
Here are two of my free blogs that I created
This is easily done by imagining you are telling your readers about your article, what is in it and how it will help them make money writing online by using the particular tips and advice.
You can look at the layout of my blog here and become a follower if you wish too.
Make money writing online Blog
I keep seeing these wonderful stories on the internet about dogs and puppies so changed the title of the blog to include those as well. This blog was only created recently so is still a work in progress.
Google Blogger Account: Writers Online Community Blog
This first blog is about earning money by writing online. I use it to add unique links to my articles here on HubPages. I always write a short blog post about the article but in different words that the article itself.This is easily done by imagining you are telling your readers about your article, what is in it and how it will help them make money writing online by using the particular tips and advice.
You can look at the layout of my blog here and become a follower if you wish too.
Make money writing online Blog
Google Blogger Account: Dog stories from around the world
This blog is my newest one. It started off as a platform to sell clothes for dogs which is an up and coming industry. I have mostlly Amazon adverts on this one and only one Google advert I think. My main income will come from selling all things to do with dogs from Amazon.I keep seeing these wonderful stories on the internet about dogs and puppies so changed the title of the blog to include those as well. This blog was only created recently so is still a work in progress.