In this article, I will list some Google Adsense Earnings Tips so you understand how to make your income better. As you know that placing Google Adsense ads on your website or blog is the simplest way to make money online nowadays. However, some of you may not understand how to generate income from your site or blog so this article may help you with some tips. How to get clicks that turn out big money is the major factor to be successful in online marketing. The general rule is that if you spend $1.00, then you should get $1.25 in return. Here are some Google Adsense Earning tips you should remember.
Google Adsense Earnings Tips
- Content is the king. Don’t think about creating one web page and use low pay per click (PPC) to earn high PPC. It won’t happen like that. You have to build content rich sites or blogs so that they are useful to visitors and readers so they can come back to your websites. The content in your sites or blogs must provide useful information to readers. It is very important to keep updating your website content. You can get traffic from searchers with updated content. As you know most search engines like to crawl websites with updated fresh content.
- It is time to market your web sites and blogs. You can create pages that contain high paying keywords so that your Google Adsense ads generate higher rate per each click. You know what? Google Adsense ads will match their ads with your content.
- Place your Google Adsense ads in good position. It depends on how your web sites or blogs look. Every webmaster has different concepts about where to place these ads on their website. For me, I usually place vertical ads (160×600) on the left of my web sites and right of my blogs. Don’t forget to use both text and image when you create ads on Google Adsense program. Also, make sure the text color and background match with your web sites.
- Please follow the Google Adsense policy. This is the most important thing you will keep in mind. Google is very smart to know whether a webmaster tries to break their rules. They will cancel your account immediately so don’t risk on doing some thing like that.
Above is some of Google Adsense advice that I learned so far. I currently make about $14k a month and I am very happy. Good luck to you!